Prices and payment
Do I have to pre-pay for my order?

We sell only made-to-order papers. That is why the work on your order starts only once we receive your payment. You will see your paper only when it’s completed by our writers. You may not worry about the money, as we offer you free revisions and will give you a refund in case you are not satisfied with our service.

How do you set the prices?

The prices we’ve determined are based on three criteria: academic level, time until deadline and scope of the paper. This way we ensure the flexibility of pricing system for each customer and don’t overcharge them. Placing an order with us you get the best value for money.

What is your refund policy?

We provide you a 100% refund in case there was a payment mistake, we couldn’t find a writer, suitable for your order or didn’t deliver your paper up to the specified deadline. We offer 70% refund when we assigned a writer for your order and less than half the time until the deadline has passed. A 50% refund is given when a writer was assigned and more than half the time until the deadline has passed or in case we couldn’t find a writer for your revision.

Paper delivery
How fast can you write my paper?

You determine the time limit when placing your order. The shortest deadline is 3 hours. You need to know, that the less time we have, the more expensive your paper is going to be. That’s why you should try to order papers in advance and give us sufficient time to provide you with a truly top-level work.

How do I get my paper?

Once your paper is finished, it will be uploaded to your Control Panel. If you’re satisfied with the quality, you approve the order and get it in the .doc format. In case you see the need for adjustments, send your paper for revision.

What happens if I’m not satisfied with the paper?

We offer you 3 free revisions, in case you want any changes to be made in your paper. Mind, that by hitting the “Approve” button on your control panel, you set the final version of your paper. No revisions will be offered afterward. Check the first draft of your paper carefully and make sure all the requirements have been followed.

Order details
I want certain materials to be used in my paper. How can I upload them?

Placing an order, you can upload as many files as you need. If you want to add materials when the order is already in process, you can upload them via control paper.

How do I choose the number of pages?

The number of pages is determined by the number of words you’ve been required to write. A default double-spaced page has 275 words. The font is Arial, 12 pt. In case you have specific requirements for formatting, provide the details when placing your order. We’ll follow your guidelines.

Paper quality
How do I know my paper is not plagiarized?

Our writers use only cited material. We can guarantee your paper is original, because we use advanced software to check whether any part of your paper has appeared online. You also may order a plagiarism report to make sure all the sources are properly referred and nothing is plagiarized.

Do writers reuse papers?

Our writers are not allowed to use papers they have worked on before. All of our papers are made from scratch according to individual requirements and specifications from every customer.

Paper writers
Can I contact my writer?

You can connect to your writer via messaging system in your control panel. You could also contact Customer Support Representative and pass the information to your writer.

Who will write my paper?

As we deeply care about our employees’ privacy, we can give you only a basic answer to this question. Your paper will be completed by a professional writer, who has received a higher education and is qualified to write academic paper of any level of complexity.

Can you guarantee my confidentiality?

Your privacy is our priority. The personal data you provide us with will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. We take responsibility for ensuring your security. Check our Privacy Policy to be absolutely sure about it.

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