How To Sum Up Your Conclusion And Avoid Repetitions

One of the most complex parts of writing any paper in school is figuring out a satisfactory conclusion. Unlike movies where an end credit scene displays “The End,” an essay must have a cohesive ending that ties the writing together to create a readable piece.

For students majoring in writing, this can be an easy task. However, for those who are not right-brain dominant and have trouble putting words to paper, writing a non-repetitive conclusion can be very challenging. Additionally, most students face problems writing a conclusion when it comes to:

  • Choosing main points to summarize
  • Finding the proper emotional vocabulary
  • Creating a final sentence as a call to action
  • Connecting the thesis to a final thought

Considering that students in the USA write over 100 pages a semester, writing a compelling conclusion is necessary to pass a class and progress through one’s educational journey.

Fortunately, students having trouble summing up their papers do not have to struggle. The following is helpful advice for students who need assistance summing up their conclusions.

Starting A Conclusion

Similar to how a paper began, you’ll need a catchy sentence to start your conclusion. Instead of introducing a new idea or thesis, a conclusion is about tying together all aspects of the writing into a cohesive final argument or thought. Often, this means starting a conclusion with any of the following words:

  • To conclude…
  • Finally…
  • To summarize…
  • To conclude…
  • Thus…
  • In summary…

All of these phrases set the tone that this part of the paper is the conclusion. Once you choose the right set of words to start your conclusion, you’ll be able to move on to the next step of creating a cohesive conclusion.

Summarizing Main Points

The primary purpose of a conclusion is to summarize the main points of the writing without repeating the same talking points in the body of the text. This is undoubtedly the most challenging part of writing a conclusion.

To start, try connecting the introduction in the first paragraph to the overall point of the paper. This includes restating the original thesis along with a similar emotional appeal used to get the reader interested.

Additionally, you will want to summarize the main points of your article that prove your thesis correct. It should be noted that a student should not relist the same talking points but instead reiterate how specific main arguments justify the hypothesis or opinion presented in the main body of the text.

Emotional Appeals Using Sense Words

Be sure to include verbiage that creates an image in the reader’s mind. This type of “sense writing” is vital to ensuring that a reader remembers precisely what you want them to. For example, phrases that describe how an object or idea feels, tastes, smells, looks, or sounds like, can better connect the reader to your writing and, ultimately, your viewpoint.

Sensory writing also works to boost a reader’s engagement. Over technical or bland writing can discourage a reader from finishing a paper because it may sound too dull or complex. Instead, stick to simple words that describe how a reader might be affected by the subject of the content.

Remember that a conclusion is meant to leave the reader feeling something about your writing. Therefore, be sure to use sentences that push the reader into the same conclusion you have maintained throughout the essay.

Closing Sentence

A closing sentence, much like an opening sentence, does not have to be a vital piece of information pertaining to your paper. In fact, a closing sentence should push the reader to ponder other points you have made throughout the writing. Effective conclusion sentences typically:

  • Ask “So what…” or “What if…”
  • Reinforce the introduction or theme
  • Quote a source
  • Include thought-provoking sentiments
  • Propose a solution or course of action

An excellent closing sentence will perfectly sum up everything you have written without mentioning the main points. Without it, your paper may end abruptly and leave the reader with an easy feeling about the writing. Remember, a closing sentence should not introduce any new topics or ideas but instead suggest to the reader that more can be said on the subject.

Conclusion Checklist

So, if you are writing a paper and not sure how to conclude it make sure to:

  • Create an appealing starting sentence
  • Summarize the main points
  • Use emotional language
  • Write a closing sentence

These helpful tips will go a long way to ensuring that your paper is easy and fun to read. Furthermore, an effective conclusion will leave the reader thinking about the writing long after they have finished reading it. So don’t let the inability to write a conclusion stand in your way of completing your paper and getting you the grade you need to pass your course!

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