How to Make a Good Impression at a Job Interview

Many people feel very stressed about job interviews. They don’t know how to act and how to get prepared for all the questions that will appear during the meeting. However, everyone wants to make a good impression and become the best candidate. Here are a few tips that will help you with that.

Remember: Knowledge Is Power

Anytime you are going to an interview, you should have as much information about the company and their views as you can. There is a lot of useful things that you can find on their website – so, make sure you do your research regarding:

  • The company’s story, how many offices they have, their location
  • What they do, their main focus, sphere
  • Their core values, views, philosophy
  • What they are looking for in candidates

This information as well as any info regarding the company’s awards, place on the market, or even maybe some scandals will definitely allow you to feel more confdient acknowledged about what this place is and what kind of people are working there. It’s easier to operate facts at an interview when you know for sure what this company is all about.

Moreover, when you have at least some background information, it shows your interest and your approach towards job search in general. Any HR specialist will be amazed by your level of preparedness for an interview.

You should also make sure you know everything about the position that you are applying for. What your responsibilities will be, what is expected from you, and what the company’s expectations are.

Be Punctual

When a hiring specialist sees you for the first time, they try to understand what kind of person you are and if there are any perspectives with you. So, you should understand that everything matters during this first meeting, including you arriving on time – it shows that you value both yours and their time.

Make sure you plan your route beforehand. Leave your home early – it’s better to wait for a little than be late. You might also check if there are any traffic jams on your way before you go, to plan your time wisely.

Be Polite and Friendly

Sometimes we are not in the best mood to make effort and show our best sides, be productive or even just go outside. But a job interview is the time when you should forget about all of your problems and avoid projecting your problems on an interviewer. Even if you are unemployed for a long time, it’s better not to talk about your bad luck and tough life. 

Make sure you take your time at home to practice a polite greeting, smile, posture, and even your mimic. Don’t be shy to ask your friend or family member to practice your handshake – you will definitely appreciate the time you spend on doing this later.

Avoid common mistakes like, chewing gum during the interview or sitting on a chair in an overrelaxed position, making inappropriate jokes, or interrupting the interviewer with your questions.

Plan What You Wear

Your outfit is also an important marker of what kind of person you are. Of course, not every company will require you to follow their dress code, but there are some etiquette rules that you should definitely stick to.  

For example, the best choice would be to pick the clothes in the smart casual style (if the company doesn’t require formal clothes) and make sure everything is neat and tidy. Wash your clothes a day before an interview and iron them. Use the sticky roller to get rid of hair and fluff and be sure to check if everything suits you. 

It’s not the best option to choose bright colors for an interview, though some pop of color in your accessories will not hurt. Your clothes should not grab much attention – as your personality and qualification should be in the spotlight. 

Be Thankful

As it was said earlier, it’s crucial to avoid interrupting your interviewer as it might be seen as a sign of disrespect and lack of appreciation. Always thank the hiring specialist after the interview is over. It’s great to leave on a friendly note, so make sure to say something along those lines: “Thank you for your time. It was a great experience.” Even if they don’t hire you, they might put you on the waiting list. It might seem like nothing, but it might really help you out in your job search as many recruiters and HR specialists have a common database. 

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